

Work together, says Basil
BULOLO MP Sam Basil has asked the Morobe government to work with the districts to fund important services. Speaking at Budget 2022 session for the province recently, Basil said there was funding for important projects in the province’s K595 million budget, but some of these projects needed to be co-funded by the districts.

Disaster plan launched
MILNE Bay authorities recently launched a Provincial Disaster Risk Management Strategy Plan and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). According to a media statement, the plan and SOP received technical input from the International Organisation for Migration and funding assistance from the US Agency for International Development (bureau for humanitarian assistance.

Powes Parkop

K100,000 pledge for Tonga
NATIONAL Capital District Governor Powes Parkop has pledged K100,000 towards the Papua New Guinea Tonga relief fund. Parkop said it was only fitting that during times of natural disasters that
Papua New Guinea rendered its assistance to its Pacific neighbours. The fund’s account is open until March 31.

DDA to set up justice service
THE Department of Justice and Attorney-General needs support from district development authorities (DDAs) to set up community justice service centres, its secretary Dr Erick Kwa says. “Village courts provided justice services and we need the DDAs to help ensure the continuous provision.”

School gets double classroom
A DOUBLE classroom and two teachers’ houses were opened in Bapa Primary School in Bulolo’s Buang in Morobe on Feb 22. The building infrastructure was funded by the Morobe government under its education reform programme. Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu said similar infrastructure was built in Mare Primary School and Tsilitsili Primary Schools as well as others in Finschhafen and Nawaeb.

Jerry Ubase

K7.9mil allocated for GBV, Sarv
COMMUNITY Development and Religion Department acting secretary Jerry Ubase says K7.9 million was establish for gender-based violence secretariats while K800,000 had already been set aside for staff remuneration. Ubase said Treasury had already released K500,000 last month but the money was still sitting with the Integrated Financial Management System.

Mothers donate to inmates
CATHOLIC mothers’ group in Jiwaka donated clothes, food and other items to Baisu Prison women inmates in Mt Hagen recently. Baisu parish priest Fr Robert Nolie said the women prisoners would greatly appreciate the donation which was an act of kindness.

Remove barriers, says Kombra
EDUCATION secretary Dr Uke Kombra says the current National Education Plan (NEP) target is that by 2029, all children should complete 13 years of education or training and that major identified barriers are gradually removed. He said according to NEP 2020-29, there was now no institutional barrier, such as a public examination.