Brewery opens water treatment plant


SOUTH Pacific Brewery (SPB) commissioned its Lae wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) last week.
Managing director Ed Weggemans said this was the second investment in line with the company’s commitment to taking care of people and the planet.
He said the first WWTP was installed at its Port Moresby brewery earlier this year.
Lae is SPB’s largest operation, catering for Mamose, parts of Highlands and the New Guinea Islands, through a production of at least 10 to 12 brews every 24 hours.
Weggemans said the improvements to the Lae plant underscored the company’s commitment to the future in Morobe and preserving its valuable water resources.
“The wastewater treatment plant plays a vital role in safeguarding water resources and the environment by mitigating the harmful impact of untreated wastewater.”
“Without proper treatment, this contaminated water can find its way into rivers, lakes, and ground water – causing serious threats to both the ecosystem and human health,” he said.
“By removing pollutants from wastewater before it is released into the sewer system, these facilities play a critical role in ensuring the availability of clean water for our current and future generation.
“As Lae and other centres in PNG grapple with increasing water-related challenges, the importance of these plants in maintaining a functional balance between industry, human needs and environmental sustainability is important.”
During the brief tour of the brewery, The National found that wastewater in the past was safely stored at great expense.
Motsy David, the first secretary to the minister for conservation, environment and climate change, said the ministry had always advocated for cleaner production by all manufacturing industry.
“The whole brewery process is energy intensive and uses large volumes of water and most of this water is then discharged which is a significant waste product of brewery operations and the industrial process,” he said.
“Wastewater for brewers, although not toxic, has high organic matter content.
“I commend SP for being one of the first brewers in the industry to take a proactive role to implement strategy captured under the draft national waste management policy.
“The commissioning of the WWTP is the company’s commitment towards reaching carbon neutrality by 2030 and reduction of water usage by 2025, as well as zero waste to landfill by 2025.”

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