Beef industry without regulator


THE exact value of Papua New Guinea’s beef production is unknown due the absence of a proper regulating body, an official says.
Livestock Development Corporation (LDC) managing director Terry Koim said a draft policy to make LDC the regulator would be submitted to the National Executive Council (NEC), making way for a bill to be approved by Cabinet.
Koim said LDC was created in 1982 as a commodity company under the Department of Agriculture and Livestock.
He said to date, LDC, registered under the Companies Act, was still an industry player like any other privately-owned beef processing company.
“For now, we cannot ask the private abattoirs how much they are producing yearly because we are seen as their competitors,” he said.
“Once we get LDC as a state authority, we will get exact numbers in terms of beef production in the country.
“This will then allow every cattle farmer to properly plan for their heards when they are ready to be brought into the abattoirs to be processed.”
Koim said as part of that process, LDC had reclaimed their lands and started increasing cattle numbers at ranches.
“Under the Medium Term Development Four (MTDP4), we will not only concentrate on cattle but also on all livestock species, promoting piggery and ensuring that all livestock thrive,” he said.
“When LDC becomes a regulator, all players will comply with certain regulations, requirements and standards; every player will be asked to tick certain boxes before their products are put on the shelves. Right now, there’s no standards and guidelines, with cattle farmers doing things how they want, when they want.”
Koim said the policy draft would be signed and passed through the process.
“We are working towards the end of this year with hopes that by November, we want the bill to be read on the floor of Parliament,” he said.
“We don’t have time to waste; we (LDC) have done our bit already and it has to go to the NEC.”