Basil keen on rural electrification


BULOLO MP Sam Basil says providing electricity to rural people is one of his priorities.
He was among those who witnessed the commissioning of the Romarom village rural electrification last Saturday by Pangu Pati member Dulciana Somare-Brash.
Basil told the people that he wanted to see the project reach the six local level governments of Bulolo.
“We are getting high voltage power today here in Buang,” he said.
“We have connected the power from Mumeng to Wagau in Ward One.”
He is focusing on villages inland before dealing with those near the main roads. “We have provided services to Pia Waria near the border of Nothern, Tegadu near Kerema, Kataipa close to the Goilala border, Dambi and Wawas in lower Watut,” Basil said.
“These people think they are in no man’s land.”
He said most of the projects in the district were carried out on a credit basis because the Government was yet to release the district’s allocation for the year.
“We are not finish yet. I wish I could clap my hands and light up all the houses,” he said.
“I wish I could do magic to connect every houses with power.