Banz police station attacked

Main Stories

THE Banz Police Station in Jiwaka has been destroyed by rampaging relatives of a knife-wielding man who was shot by police.
The station and the police barracks were wrecked, with a firearm also stolen, and 15 suspects released from the police cell.
It was claimed that those who had led the group were children of former police officers.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Eastern End Anton Billie said the incident on Friday took place after a drunk and disorderly complaint was laid at the station by the public.
“Police responded to the complaint and chased the suspect who ran away, however as the police were at the market, the suspect returned with the public identifying the suspect,” ACP Billie told The National.
“Police gave chase and the man ran, while in pursuit the suspect ran into a premises and with no way out, he swung a bush knife at the pursuing officers. The pursuing officers managed to avoid being hit, and they shot him on the leg to stop him.
“They rushed him to Kudjip Hospital. While they were there, the relatives of the suspect after hearing about the incident, came into Banz in three trucks and went into the station and barracks.
“The group destroyed the station, breaking everything in sight and released 15 suspects in custody, they also assaulted a policewoman and stole items from the police station commander’s office.”
“They then turned their attention to the barracks where they set fire to some of the homes. However, the public intervened and saved the homes, but they continued to throw stones into the homes, narrowly missing the families,” ACP said.
“One of the senior officers who was armed, was hit by a stone. He dropped his police-issued pistol and the group grabbed the pistol and ran away.”
ACP Billie said the station remained closed.
“Police action taken after the incident has seen one magazine 20 rounds returned and so as a police walkie- talkie.”
“We have given seven days to the relatives to turn over the stolen items and the pistol, as well as suspects.
“Policemen who were caught in the incident have identified several of the culprits. After seven days with no response, police will pursue the leads they have and pick up the suspects.
“These people showed no respect for the law, the public in Banz are not happy about the incident and have pledged to work with police to apprehend the suspects.
“We are still investigating,”


  • Attitude problem with this guys. There is no logical to their action.
    Police please return the same action to their homes and properties

  • These kind of people are the very people who are promoting criminal activities and harboring criminals everywhere in the country…These people are attitude problem and uncivilized.
    Teach them a lesson and they will not forget.
    Walk in and destroy their area and arrest those who led the rampage.

  • These people have cried out loud for a separate province and they have been given. Now they, the newly branded Jiwakans, are going wild beyond imagination. It wasn’t like that when they were under the administration of the WHPG!

  • So stubborn and attitude problem these guys were.Police please have no mercy on them if they still retaliate to return the stolen properties and the suspects.

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