Aust’s help welcomed

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POLICE commissioner David Manning has welcomed increased support from Australia to enhance the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary’s less lethal force capabilities and deliver effective policing presence across the country.
Manning said this provided the force with a more effective range of options to prevent civil unrest, arrest criminals who victimised communities and held private infrastructure ransom.
“When there is the risk of a criminal elements getting out of hand, or groups facing off in a tense situation, the best option is to deliver target interdiction,” he said.
“Disperse crowds, and deter offending without resorting to the use of lethal force.”
Manning said when dealing with violence or intimidation, ensuring PNG police officers had access to non-lethal options increased the ability of local law enforcement personnel to quickly and safely stop confrontations with minimum loss of life.
He added that using less-than-lethal force, including tear gas and rubber bullets, and long range acoustic devices to disperse crowds, was effective in preventing deaths and property damage while at the same time effectively subduing criminal offenders who posed a risk to police and the public.
“Ringleaders of the mob can be directly targeted, brought to heel and then detained by police as crowds disperse,” Manning said in a statement.
The Police Commissioner said police had used tear gas for many years mainly as a dispersal agent for crowds.
“With the support of our longstanding partners, this less-than-lethal technology will be enhanced by the availability of rubber rounds and long range acoustic devices.
“Long range acoustic devices are a promising modern technology which, when deployed tactically alongside less-than-lethal and traditional options, gives police the competitive edge needed to maintain law and order effectively.” Following extensive discussions at last week’s ministerial dialogue, Manning thanked his Australian Federal Police counterpart, Reece Kershaw, and the Australian government represented by the Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, for their ongoing support and cooperation with PNG police.
“PNG has a very strong policing partnership with Australia, and now with the increased support in the area of less-than-lethal force, this engagement will be strengthened as our enhanced partnership enables the delivery of this specialist capability across the country.”
Manning added that it was positive to see a responsive policing partnership that enhanced RPNGC’s ability to deliver policing service across the country.

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