Air ticket sales agent accused of swindling K50,000


A TICKET sales agent has been hauled before the Committal Court charged with the alleged swindling of more than K50,000 belonging to PNG Forest Authority.
Magistrate Paul Puri Nii read out the charge to Blasius Vuvul, 53, from Kokopo’s Takubar village in East New Britain, and adjourned the matter to July 17 for mention.
Police alleged that on Nov 21 last year, a cheque payment of K50,116.10 was paid to Siale Sales Agency, operated by Vuvul, for the purchase of 23 Air Niugini tickets for PNG Forest Authority officers to attend a training workshop in Kimbe, West New Britain, at the end of that month.
Flights to Kimbe were cancelled during that period and, consequently, the authority also deferred its training session to March 26-31, 2024.
Vuvul was then, allegedly, advised to acquire open tickets.
When the PNG Forest Authority called Vuvul to enquire about the tickets, he said they were being processed.
Further calls to check on the tickets were allegedly diverted and not answered.
On Feb 20, Vuvul issued seven Air Niugini tickets.
On Feb 22, he issued another three PNG Air tickets which were not accepted because of the shortage of fuel.
By the time the officers were ready to travel, Vuvul had allegedly issued only 13 tickets, with 10 outstanding.
A complaint was laid with the National Fraud and Anti-Corruption directorate, and Vuvul was arrested and charged.

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