Adjournment a strategic move: Marape

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PRIME Minister James Marape says yesterday’s adjournment of Parliament to this morning was a strategic move to test the Opposition’s numbers.
“If they had the numbers, they could have blocked the adjournment and show that they have the majority in the face of a vote of no confidence,” he said.
“So, from day one, the country knows they don’t have the majority.”
Marape said every parliamentary agenda or action “is based on numbers”.
“Even in a motion to adjourn Parliament, numbers decide if Parliament is adjourned, as was the case today (yesterday),” he said.
“The Opposition Leader called for a division, however, they decided not to second that call as they realised their numbers would be exposed.”
He said the adjournment yesterday proved to the country that the Opposition did not have the numbers “despite all the hype on mainstream and social media that the Opposition has the numbers to change the Government”.
“I have indicated to the Opposition that it is going to be a two-week sitting, so they have to get their act together, ensure no defects in this fresh motion, which will be on notice for one week,” he said.
“Parliament will either maintain James Marape or install Rainbo Paita. It is now a two-man race.”