Abraham banks on faith to guide him forward


ABRAHAM Naima visited his father’s grave straight after successfully completing the next level of his trade certificate education – in honour of his memory.
“I know my late father will be proud of me after I graduated, and continue progressing in life. Like they say, a son’s achievement is a father’s pride.
“Nothing will make him more proud than seeing his son prosper in life.”
Abraham graduated recently from the Port Moresby Technical College with a NC2 Automotive Electrical trade certificate. His next step is pursuing a diploma in the NC3 Automotive Electrical.
Abraham, 23, is the eldest and only boy in a family of four. His three younger sisters are in secondary school.
Their parents are from Chimbu and Western.

“ It is difficult for a single parent like my mother to look after the family. But with God, all things are possible. Since we are from a Christian family, our trust and faith is only in God.”
Abraham visits his father’s grave at Nine-Mile straight after the Port Moresby Technical College graduation. – Pictures supplied

Abraham, born and raised in Port Moresby, started his elementary and primary school education at the Iobuna Primary School at 14-Mile, Central.
Abraham was selected to continue into grades nine to 12 at the Laloki Secondary School. But after completing Grade 12 in 2018, he failed to get any offer to further his studies in a tertiary institution.
So in 2019, he upgraded his Grade 12 marks at the Department of Distance Learning.
His initial plan was to become a soldier.
“When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a soldier. So after completing Grade 12, I applied to the PNG Defence Force but was unfortunately turned down. It was a challenge for me.”
He started applying for jobs elsewhere in 2021 but was unsuccessful.
“So I decided to apply to Pomtech and was accepted. To study automotive electrical wasn’t really my dream. But things didn’t work out the way as expected. So I had to take another path in life.”
When his father passed away last December, Abraham, his mother and his three sisters were devastated.
“I was in school when my dad collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. I came home to hear that he was gone. There was some kind of pain I felt in me.
“Then I also lost my aunt after my dad. They were the two people I was very close to.
“It was painful to lose family members like that.”
Abraham knows that his family members have been through a lot in life and are struggling to make ends meet.
“My mom is not working and we are operating informal markets to support our family. We have been doing this since our father passed away.”
Abraham is looking forward to achieving something to make his family proud.
His next challenge is the diploma course. After that, find a job to help his mother.
He praises her for struggling on as a single parent.
“It is difficult for a single parent like her to look after the family. But with God, all things are possible. Since we are from a Christian family, our trust and faith is only in God.”
In the Bible, they call Abraham the “Father of faith”. That same faith is what Abraham Naima is banking on to achieve his goals, and support his family.