A short delay to reaching Telefomin

Works and Highways Minister Solan Mirisim and Kokopo MP Ereman ToBaining Junior who is also the Chairman of the Parliamentary Public Works Committee on a tour of the road early this year.

MISERY, pain, tears and struggles by public servants, government officials and students and more than 50,000 lives in West Sepik’s Telefomin who have been relying heavily on third level airline service for more than 50 years will now be a story of the past.
The Government’s Connect PNG flagship policy of serving the unserved, connecting the unconnected and reaching the unreached is not a scam but is truly touching the lives of the people of Telefomin.
On Jan 19, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso led a government delegation to announce the road official open for traffic when the pilot track reached the first village of Telefomin District called Urapmin.
After four months and the pilot track is finally at the Sepik River bank which is exactly six kilometers before reaching Telefomin station.
Local MP and Works and Highways Minister Solan Mirisim visited the road weeks ago and was impressed with how the road work has progressed.
Mirisim says the clearing and grubbing work is now at the bank of Sepik River.
“The reason for the delay was due to unstable topography with mixture of limestone, clay and constant movement of soil due to prolonged wet weather.”
Mirisim implied that it was quite a long wait but to finally see the clearing and grubbing work reaching the Sepik Rive is a relief for his people.
“From here it will take five to six kilometers before we reach the existing road that is already connected to Telefomin station. We will build a temporary bridge over Sepik River so machines can cross over to the other side.
“For the temporary bridge we have already made payment to a local contractor and we expect them to mobilise their resources within the next two weeks to start work immediately.
“I’m also being informed that the surveyor and his team have moved over to the other side to do perking on where the route will lead to the existing road.”
Mirisim praised the people of Urapmin for their understanding and patience and more so releasing their land for free for the road project to progress smoothly uninterrupted.

The reason for the delay was due to unstable topography with mixture of limestone, clay and constant movement of soil due to prolonged wet weather.
Inspecting another section of the newly built road leading to Telefomin station.

He also commended the contractor and its employees on the ground for putting in every effort and extra hours.
“More importantly, I want to thank the Marape-Rosso Government for introducing the Connect PNG policy which and truly reached the unreached and connect the unconnected and also Ok Tedi Mining Limited through its tax credit scheme on funding this important road link.”
Meanwhile, Kokopo MP and Chairman of the Parliamentary Public Works Committee Ereman ToBaining Jnr heaped praise towards this key government policy.
ToBaining said it was worth spending the money to build such missing link road that can truly touch the lives of our rural people who have been unconnected for more than 50 years. “I’ve now come to truly understand and see the importance of this road infrastructure that has positively touch the lives of our rural populace.’’
ToBaining thanked miner, Ok Tedi Mining Ltd which, through its tax credit scheme, assisted with funding for the constructing a road that has passed through some of the most rugged terrain in both Western and West Sepik provinces.
This road will be a game changer, it will ease the burden of Telefomin people who are landlocked and depend entirely on aeroplanes.

Looking towards the headwaters of the Sepik River in the Telefomin district.

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