Government supports foreign missions

Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso (left) with ambassador to Belgium Joseph Varo and Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko during the commissioning of nine mission heads on Wednesday. – Nationalpic by KENNEDY BANI

DEPUTY Prime Minister John Rosso has assured nine appointed heads of mission that they have the full support of the Government.
“We are committed to providing you with the resources and backing your need to succeed,” he said.
Rosso made these remarks during the commissioning of the heads of mission in Port Moresby on Wednesday
“Our world is increasingly interconnected, and the importance of diplomacy cannot be overstated, you are now at the forefront of our international relations, representing PNG in nine different countries,” he said.
“Your mission is not just to advocate for our national interests, but to build bridges, foster mutual understanding, and strengthen the bonds we share with the global community.”
Rosso told them that their appointments are a testament to their hard work, dedication, and commitment to country.
“We have full confidence in your abilities to uphold and promote the values and policies of Papua New Guinea abroad. Your efforts will be instrumental in advancing our interests, from boosting trade and investment to enhancing cultural exchanges and ensuring sustainable development,” he said.
“Collaboration with international partners and local communities will be key to your success and we encourage you to engage in meaningful dialogue and cooperation.”
Rosso reminded the diplomats that in their new roles, they would also serve as cultural ambassadors, and PNG is rich in cultural heritage and diversity and it was their duty to share this to the world.
“Through cultural diplomacy, you can build goodwill and foster a deeper understanding of our nation,” he said.
Rosso urged them to perform their duties with integrity, dedication and excellence, as their work would not only benefit the nation today but would also lay foundation for a more connected and prosperous PNG.