60 more days for census

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Masere: Extra time needed for data-cleansing

THERE will be a 60-day grace period given after the June 30 National Census deadline for “data-cleansing”, says Administrative Services Minister Richard Masere.
“We are allowing about 60 days of data-cleansing to make sure there is no duplication of data and that accurate data is collected,” he said.
“It will be a mop-up exercise after June 30. And provinces that are 80 to 90 per cent complete in counting (will) still have the grace period to make sure that we collect any data missed.”
The original scheduled period for enumeration was from June 17 to June 30. But since Monday, there had been a lot of hiccups to the 10-yearly project revealed including the delayed distribution of digital tablets for counting, and the late training of officials.
Masere responded to the complaints on the various issues which came to light since Monday, including the little time allowed to properly conduct the census.
Sunday was the reference night.
Masere said it was important that the accurate population figure was determined after the census which would be presented to Prime Minister James Marape.
National Statistician John Igitoi said the enumeration period from June 17 to 30 should have been enough time to complete the census.
“It becomes very costly if we are to extend the counting period for another week or two,” he said.
“The tablets, hire cars, logistics and other resources all cost money and the National Statistical Office has to distribute all this around the country.
“People are doubting and having a negative mindset about how this census is conducted but that will not help.”
Meanwhile, Masere said the census was a cost-effective exercise that had been properly planned.
He said the budget was first set at K300 million, but after much planning and consideration, K153 million was allocated by the Government.
“We fine-tuned the budget to make sure we were spending the money in the right areas,” he said.
“We are confident that the census will be delivered.
“The census for this year is well and truly prepared and we are all geared up to deliver it after 13 years of waiting.”

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