2 million students expected

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THE 2020 school year has started – with more than two million students expected to attend elementary, primary, secondary and vocational schools this year.
According to the education department, the biggest number – around a million each – will be attending elementary and primary schools.
Prime Minister James Marape and Education Minister Joseph Yopyyopy in a paid advertisement recently said “every child has the right to education therefore no school administration or governing board is to refuse any child from enrolling or attending classes for non-payment of any form of fees”.
“We want to see that quality education is provided to all students irrespective of background though an affordable and sustainable policy. Hence, our stand for an education system underpinned by a shared responsibility charter.”
The Government will foot 63.4 per cent of the school fees while parents pay 36.6 per cent.
Head teacher of the Coronation Primary School in Port Moresby Eli Auka said Term One began well yesterday “with most teachers and students present”.
“I don’t want to send home children who haven’t paid any fees yet as I want all to be in their classrooms first,” Auka said.
Auka advised parents to pay K110 as the school fee and K50 for the project fee.
Wardstrip Primary School head teacher Rotona Girana told parents to pay K109 for school fees and K50 for project fees.
Kila Kila Secondary School principal Herman Panai urged parents to pay school fees and project fees as per the government’s schedule.