179 poultry farmers in Morobe receive technical training


A GROUP of 179 poultry farmers in Morobe have been trained to raise chicken for their own consumption or to sell.
The training, organised by the Poultry Industry Association, covered poultry health and biosecurity, layer feed, and raising chickens.
Farmers were also updated on the industry and the association’s roles and challenges, and to connect with financial institutions to access loans through the Micro Bank.
Herry Muriki, a farmer of West Taraka in Lae, said he has been in the poultry business for six years.
“Most farmers like me go out, buy and then farm them our own way, as long as we’re making ends meet,” he said.
“We don’t know the science behind it, we don’t know what things cause death, how to care for them, how to feed them. I am very appreciative of this training which I believe will truly help my small business; I hope we have more of such trainings.”
Association treasurer Stan Leahy said it was the third training this year.
“We’ve got a goal this year to at least doing the main centres, Mt Hagen, Goroka, Lae and Port Moresby, then we’ll build from there,” he said.
“There’s always room for improvement, and it is good to collaborate with multiple stakeholders.”

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